The weekly collection is the ordinary means by which money is contributed to the parish. Everyone is urged to use the collection envelopes received in the mail. Please give generously and according to your means. Click here to view the weekly collection numbers.
Giving is extremely important even when a parishioner cannot make it on the weekend. Click here to download the Auto-Deduct form or call the parish Business Office, 815-939-3573. Click here to set-up regular giving through Pay Pal.
Support St. Joseph Parish while you shop! It’s free and easy! Click here to create an account, enter your name, e-mail, etc., Kroger Plus Card #, and VE273 for St. Joe’s. Then just shop. Thanks for your generosity!
Special Collections happen throughout the year. The Diocese of Joliet designates most of these collections and the money is used for many charitable purposes.
The Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal supports the ministries, charities and services of the Diocese of Joliet. Click here for details and online giving.
Please consider adding a brick paver to the St. Joseph Parish Centennial Courtyard. Adding a paver is a wonderful way of honoring someone and supporting the parish. Click here for details and order form.
These are a very important part of the financial security of our parish. Please remember St. Joseph Parish in your estate planning process.